2019 (2) 3

Fractal percolation modeling of structural organization of filled polyvinylchloride


Т.М. Shevchuk 1, М.А. Borduk 1, V.V. Krivtsov 1, V.A. Mashchenko2


1 Rivne State Humanitarian University

31, Plastova str., Rivne, 33028, Ukraine

2 Odessa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality

15, Kovalska str., Odessa, 65020, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2019, 41, no. 2: 109-115


Section: Physics of polymers.


Language: Ukrainian.




The use of fractal percolation and synergetic approaches to the filled polymer systems enable to analyze processes of their structure formation. Aim of the paper is to define fractal percolation structural parameters of PVC systems filled with chemical wastes based on the results of ultrasonic study using filled polymer model as well as amorphous state cluster model. Multi-tone, burdensome waste products of extraction of phosphoric acid – dispersed phosphogypsum and its modifications with heavy metal salts have been used as PVC fillers.

As experimental samples 5 mm thick and 25 mm in diameter plates have been used. They have been obtained with the help of hot pressing in T-p mode at temperature 403 K and pressure 10 MPa just after PVC and mineral fillers have been all mixed. To define structural properties of composite polymer materials and their visco elastic properties ultrasonic methods have been used operating machine where longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic waves go through the polymer sample immersed in fluid.

It has been shown that phosphogypsum modified surface fractions are active centers of interface layer formations on boundary polymer – filler. Comparing maximums of filled with phosphogypsum and its modified forms percolation clusters and PVC systems coordinate numbers enabled to correlate these dimensions. In the cluster model framework and according to fractal dimensions of filled systems the processes of structure formation on boundary polymer – filler have been analyzed. Their percolation dimensions that help to predict mode of behavior of such PVC systems in fields of force as well as in thermal fields have been defined. Models of application have been demonstrated as to the referenced modeling in specifying operating features of polymer composite materials.


Keywords: filled polyvinylchloride, fractal dimension, critical index of percolation, acoustic velocity, Poisson’s constant.



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