№2 (2017) 4


Investigation of polymer matrices based on cross-linked polyacrylamide and b-cyclodextrin-containing pseudorotaxane by pyrolysis mass spectrometry


L.A. Orel, V.V. Boyko, V.I. Bortnitskiy, L.V. Kobrina, S.I. Sinelnikov, O.A. Radchenko, S.V. Riabov


Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry the NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2017, 39, № 2: 95-100.


Section: Structure and properties.


Language: Ukrainian.



Formation and studying of different inclusion complexes, which could be attributed to the supramolecular structures, are still remaining among an actual topics in the modern polymer chemistry. According to the experts’ opinion, working in the field of supramolecular chemistry, identification of inclusion complexes’ composition is one of the most difficult and promising tasks.

In this work, the structure of polymer matrices, involving acrylamide and methylene-bis-acrylamide with different content of pseudorotaxane (PR) was studied by the pyrolysis mass spectrometry method. Temperature decomposition, rate of total ion current, probable composition of samples’ ion fragments and intensity of their isolation in the mass spectra of polyacrylamide with different content of PR during pyrolysis have been monitored. Thus, these findings are able to explain the processes of the bonds formation between PR’s molecules and polymer matrice’s chains.


Key words: pyrolysis mass spectrometry, polymer matrices, b-cyclodextrin, polyacrylamide, pseudorotaxane, structure.



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