2014 (4) 12
Synthesis and properties of the polimers based on epoxy resin and water solutions of the phosphotungstic heteropolyacid if there is silicium oxide
M.I. Shandruk, O.V. Zinchenko, V.V. Davidenko, A.P. Syrovets
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2014, 36, no. 4: 418-423.
Section: Synthesis polymers.
Language: Ukrainian.
The epoxy polymers based on the epoxy resin ED-20 and water solutions of the phosphotungstic heteropolyacid if there is silicium oxide have been synthesized. It was determined that the phosphotungstic heteropolyacid is an active catalyst of polymerisation of epoxy oligomers which produce of polymers of spatial construction. Their characteristics depend on contents of water solutions of the phosphotungstic heteropolyacid and silicium oxide. It has higher failer stress of tension, thermal characteristics, heart resistence and low water absorption in comparison with relevant filled polyepoxies hardened by polyethylenepolyamine.
Key words: epoxy polymer, heteropolyacid, physicomechanical properties, thermal charecteristic, sorptive properties.
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