2015 (1) 11
Features thermolysis of peroxide groups in copolymers
N.G. Nosova
Lviv Polytechnic National University
12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2015, 37, no. 1: 74-80.
Section: Synthesis polymers.
Language: Ukrainian.
Features of ditertiary peroxide group thermolysis during thermal decomposition of the peroxide groups in copolymer have been discovered and described. Based on these studies it was concluded that the conformation of macromolecules of peroxide-containing copolymers affects the ratio between the primary and induced peroxide groups decomposition. Reducing of contribution of the induced decomposition can take place due to macromolecule conformation changes in “good” solvents or temperature increase above 443 K.
Keywords: peroxide, thermolysis, macroinitiator.
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