2016 (2) 4


Compatibility and phase separation of components during the formation of epoxy-rubber compositions


V.V. Muzhev, V.P. Boiko V.D. Myshak, V.K. Grishchenko, A.E. Nesterov


Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2016, 38, no. 2: 125-134.


Section: Review.


Language: Russian.



The results of research of phase state and phase separation in the process of the curing reaction of epoxy/rubber compositions have been reviewed. The phase diagrams of mixtures of epoxy resins with modifiers – low molecular weight rubbers of different chemical nature and with different terminal groups were presented. The features induced by the curing of the phase separation and the structure formation in such systems depending on the composition the starting mixtures, the temperature of curing, a hardener activity, and control of these processes were described. It is shown that depending on the chemical structure, the type and functionality of the epoxy resin rubber may be a mixture with UCMT and with LCMT than curing temperature range caused, concentration of the starting mixtures, the type of hardener.


Keywords: epoxy-rubber composition, reaction-induced phase separation structure, properties.



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