2017 (4) 2
Influence of electrical field on structure and thermomecanical properties of polyelectrolyte complexe based on poly-4-styrensulfonic acid and polydiallildimethylammonium chloride
V.I. Shtompel, V.L. Demchenko, S.V. Riabov
Institute of Macromoleculare Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Khаrkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2017, 39, № 4: 227-231.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Ukrainian.
In this paper structure and termomechanical properties of two samples (initial and subjected to current electrical field (Е=1·106 В/м)) of polyelectrolyte complex based on poly-4- styrensulfonic acid and polydiallildimethylammonium chloride were investigated. Using methods of wide-angle x-ray diffraction and thermomechanical analysis structure and properties of initial and subjected to current electrical field samples polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) were explored. It was esteblished what sample PEC that expose action electrical field have amorphous structure with slight development of pseudo cristallinity structure of anionic polyelectrilite and more low significance of glass temperature and viscous flow temperature compared initial sample. This samle PEC heve amorphouse-cristallinity structure with development structure of anionic and cationic polyelectrolytes.
Key words: electric field, polyelectrolyte complex, wide- and small x-ray scattering, thermomechanike analysis.
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