2018 (1) 8

Synthesis of new polyurethane foams for medical use


O.S. Karpenko, N.A. Galatenko, T.A. Kiseleva, L.F. Narozhayko


Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2018, 40, no. 1: 51-57


Section: Synthesis polymers.


Language: Ukrainian.




The basis of the technology for obtaining polymers for medical purposes is the synthesis of the polymeric base and the introduction into it of various active substances, taking into account properties of the components.

The article is devoted to the synthesis and research of biologically active polyurethane foams. New polyurethane foams have been created with a cycloserine, which in the future can be used as polymeric materials for the treatment of wounds and burns. The obtained polymeric materials were investigated by physicochemical and biological methods. Also, the new polymer materials obtained were investigated by electron micrography. Studies using IR spectroscopy have shown that cycloserine is immobilized on a polymer matrix by physical bonds. When the cycloserine is introduced into the polymer matrix, the adhesive properties are improved and the structure of the polymeric composite material becomes more porous. The obtained results testify to the prospect of using the created polymeric materials in medical practice.


Key words: polyurethane foam, polymer base, cycloserine, medical purpose.




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