2018 (2) 7

Х-ray investigation of influence ionic force cationic polyelectrolyte on sructure organization of polyelectrolyte complexes


V.I. Shtompel1, V.L. Demchenko1, V.О. Оvsyankina2, S.V. Riabov1


1Institute of Macromoleculare Chemistry NAS of Ukraine

48, Khаrkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine

2Sikorsky Nationale Technical University (КPI)

37, Victory avenue, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2018, 40, no. 2: 121-127


Section: Physics of polymers.


Language: Ukrainian.




At present ample quantity publicated of papers on forming and physicochemical propetties of polyelectrolyte complexes free occurence on account of their considerable practical aplication. This polymer systems, as is well known, based on opposite charged polyelectrolytes. However structural organisation of polyelectrolyte complexes practically non vere investigated.

At present ample quantity publicated of papers on forming and physicochemical propetties of polyelectrolyte complexes free occurence on account of their considerable practical aplication. This polymer systems, as is well known, based on opposite charged polyelectrolytes. However structural organisation of polyelectrolyte complexes practically non vere investigated.

In this connexion, on this work structural organisation two type of polyelectrolyte complexes based on Na-salt of carboxymethyl celllulose and polyethyleneimine or hydrohlouride polyethyleneimine was investigated.           Using weide- and small x-ray scattering two type polyelectrolyte complexes based on carboxymethylcellulose and cationic polyelectrolytes with differently ionic force was investigated. It was esteblished that sample polyelectrolyte complexes based weak ionic force cationic polyelectrolyte have amorphous structure whereas based on big ionic force cationic polyelectrolyte have amorphouse-crystalline structure. Was shown that all polyelectrolyte complexes have structure heterogeneity nanoscale type with distribution their region of heterogeneity chaotically on space. The polyelectrolyte complexes with big ionic force of cationic polyelectrolyte have area of heterogeneity bigger in comparison with similar polymer systems based on cationic polyelectrolyte with small ionic force.


Keywords: polyethilenimine, carboxymethylcellulose, wide- and small x-ray scattering, polyelectrolyte, polyelectrolyte complex, ionic force, structure, geterogenouse




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