2018 (3) 7
Synthesis of the power of (alkoxy) (acyloxy) titanates on the basis of the sum of monocarboxylic acids of sonyashnikovoy аnd llyanoi olii
N.Ya. Kuzmenko1, S.N. Kuzmenko1, N.N. Laskovenko1, T.Yu. Kolyada1, G.O. Pashkinkina1, A.O. Stogniy1
1DVNZ “Ukrainian State Technological University”
8, Gagarin Avenue, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2018, 40, no. 3: 190-194
Section: Synthesis polymers.
Language: Ukrainian.
The reaction of transesterification of tetrabutoxytitanate with a mixture of monocarboxylic acids of sunflower or linseed oil were synthesized by the corresponding (alkoxy)(acyloxy)titanates. They are, for the most part, solid at room temperature a light-yellow-brown color shade that is well soluble in aliphatic, aromatic, chloroaromatic, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and lower alcohols.
Their structure is confirmed by elemental, functional analysis, molecular weights, infrared spectra.
These compounds, which contain reactive butoxy groups in the titanium atom and the monocarboxylic acid residues with unsaturated bonds in their structure, can be effectively used as hydrophobic agents of the organic and inorganic materials, tissue, paper, skin, and others. in various branches of the economic activity
Key words: tetrabutoxytitanium, sunflower acid and linseed oil, transesterification, synthesis.
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