2019 (1) 6
The modification of the cellulose threeacetate films with the products of transesterification of the tris[three(butoxy)titaneoxy]borane by stearic acid
S.M. Kuzmenko , V.Kh. Shapka , M.Ya. Kuzmenko, A.U. Barishpol
DVNZ “Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University”
8, av. Gagarina, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2019, 41, no. 1: 50-57
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Russian.
Modification of the cellulose triacetate compositions by the transesterification products of tris [tri (butoxy) titanoxy] borane of monocarboxylic stearic acid was carried out. It was shown that the used series of boron, titanium, stearatacyloxy-containing products of transesterification of tris [tri (butoxy) titanoxy] – borane by stearic acid is an effective modifier of soluble TAC. This modification allows you to adjust the viscosity of the solution in a wide range and improves the physico-mechanical characteristics of the films obtained from these solutions (the tensile strength of the films increases by 2,0–2,5 times). The most effective use of such compounds is provided when they are introduced in the amount of up to 0.1 wt.% from the mass of the TAC. In this case, there is a process of crushing large supramolecular formations into smaller ones. Internal stresses in the polymer practically disappear, the relative hardness of the films and their tensile strength grow.
The obtained results may be especially valuable in the recycling of waste of TAC.
Key words: cellulose triacetate, modification, product of transesterification of Tris [tri (butoxy) titanoxy] borane monocarboxylic saturated stearic acid, solution, viscosity, films, hardness, strength.
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