2019 (3) 2
Study of prospects of creating track membranes from polycyanurates on the radiation complex of INR of NAS of Ukraine
T.V. Kovalinska1, A.E. Borzakovskiy1, V.I. Sakhno1, О.P. Grigoryeva2, О.М. Starostenko2, K.G. Gusakova2, F. Gouanve3, E. Espuche3, D. Grande4, А. М. Fainleib2
1Institute for Nuclear Research NAS of Ukraine
47, prospect Nauky, Kyiv 02000, Ukraine
2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv 02160, Ukraine
3Universite Lyon 1, IMP CNRS UMR 5223, Ingenierie des Materiaux Polymeres
15 Boulevard Andre Latarjet, 69622, Villeurbanne, France
4Institut de Chimie et des Materiaux Paris-Est, UMR 7182 CNRS – Universite Paris-Est Creteil, Val de Marne, 2 rue Henri Dunant, BP 28, 94320, Thiais, France
Polym. J., 2019, 41, no. 3: 159-166.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Ukrainian.
The results of the experiments on the creation of heat-resistant track nuclear membranes of increased strength from original domestic polymer films are discussed. The structure of the radiation technology complex created at the Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (INR) for the study of technology of nuclear track membrane from the newest polymeric materials of the polycyanurate group is described. The complex meets the basic requirements for solving the problems of production, improvement and development of new types of track membranes. At the radiation complex of the INR the original methods of producing heat-resistant nanoporous films of increased thickness and strength the newest polymers of Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IMC), promising for use in industry, have been successfully implemented. By bombing of polymer films by a-particles with energy of 27,2 MeV the first samples of nanoporous materials, which fully meet the requirements of track membranes in terms of shape and pore size have been produced. The results of study of the structure of the nuclear membranes obtained are presented. The first tests have shown that polycyanurate track membranes can be used for filtration of gases. The results of testing the nanoporous films obtained for gas separation are presented from as well. It has been experimentally proven that it is possible to produce nanoporous materials of the nuclear filter group from the film polycyanurates. As the prospect of progress in the technology of nanoporous films from polycyanurates, the possibility of involvement of radiation polymerization mechanisms to obtain filter materials with desired physicochemical properties and structure is considered. Following the results of the first experiments, a complex of scientific and technical measures for the organization of further research was developed. It includes the adaptation of the radiation technology of the INR for production of nuclear filters using track technologies, the development of new structures of polymeric materials, further searches for economically advantageous track formation technologies, optimization of material sensitization methods in tracks by photons of different energies.
Keywords: track membranes, alpha particles, cyclotron, photon sensitization, radiation technologies, polycyanurates, nanoporous materials.
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