2020 (1) 6
Derivatives of tris[tri(butoxy)titanoxy]borane and polyfluorinecontaining alcohol as plasticizers of the cellulose threeacetate compositions
S.N. KUZMENKO, State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, 8, ave. Gagarin, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine E-mail: ukrphs@ua.fm
ORCID: 0000-0001-8527-1608
V.КH. CHAPKA, State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, 8, ave. Gagarin, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-8527-1608
K.M. SUKHOY, State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, 8, ave. Gagarin, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
D.S. SHAPOVAL, State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, 8, ave. Gagarin, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0003-1083-5944
O.V. BUBLIK, State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, 8, ave. Gagarin, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-0004-6792
Polym. J., 2020, 42, no. 1: 44-54.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Russian.
Cellulose triacetate (TAC) is widely used in various fields of human economic activity as products:
dielectric, stable in non-polar and aromatic solvents, in dilute acids (acetic, hydrochloric) and alkalis; protective coatings for metal, concrete; the basics in the manufacture of film and film; for the production of triacetate filaments (rayon) and fabrics based on them; in the manufacture of packaging for bulk food.
Widely used in various fields of economic activity, polymeric materials and parts based on cellulose acetate, despite the unlimited raw material base, low cost and industrial implementation of the technology, need to be modified with other compounds and polymers, which greatly simplify the processing technology and increase the service life of them in extreme operating conditions.
This, in turn, will lead to a significant reduction in the volume of logging of coniferous forests on the planet; to more comprehensive use of both raw wood raw materials and more complete disposal of waste products.
Studies are undertaken on using as plasticizers of solution composition on the basis of triacetate of cellulose of the oligomers got transesterification of tris[tri(butoxy)titanoxy]borane polyfluorinecontaining alcohol of formula of Н(CF2CF2)4CH2ОН at anything their molar correlation; rheological is studied characteristics solutions and mechanical parameters of tapes from such compositions.
Homogenization in the solution TAC of the composition proceeded easily, with the formation of a uniform, colorless transparent solution. When casting such a solution onto a substrate and subsequent drying, first 2 hours in a fume hood at 20°C to remove the bulk of the solvent from the casting composition on the substrate, and then at 50°C in a heating cabinet, to completely remove the solvent, we obtained high quality, transparent, colorless, elastic films.
It is shown, that with the increase of stake of oligomerous connections (plasticizer) in solution of triacetate of cellulose and amount of polyfluorinecontaining of spirit bits and pieces in his molecule, viscidity of solutions of TAC increases. Relative hardness of coverage grows also to 0,7 and durability of tapes on a break in 2 – 3 times at the optimal amount of addition of the 1 – 2 % masses. in relation to mass of TAC. In this case, the realization of new types of physical bonds between fluorine atoms and carbon, as well as coordination between B and Ti and oxygen in the TAC units, is manifested more strongly; internal stresses in the polymer matrix decrease or practically disappear, which manifests itself in an increase in the values of the “tensile strength” and the “relative hardness” of the films, and then these indexes begin to go down. The plasticizer, located on the boundaries of supramolecular formations, made it possible to partially reduce the physical interactions between them and made it possible to control the viscosity of TAC solutions at the stage of film casting in a wider range and in the required direction; at the same time, this led to a decrease in the internal stress in the polymer; the decay of large supramolecular formations to smaller ones and, due to this, an increase in the strength characteristics of films.
The got results give an opportunity to carry out modification of triacetate of cellulose with the purpose of upgrading and longevity of exploitation of wares on her basis; but the increase of the physico-mechanical properties indexes is especially actual during utilization of wastes.
Keywords: triacetate of cellulose, plasticizer, properties, composite, coating.
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