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V.I. SHTOMPEL, Institute of Macromoleculare Chemie of NAS of Ukraine, 48, Kharkivske shose, Кyiv, 02160, Ukraine E-mail: vishtomp@bigmir.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-5055-1917

V.L. DEMCHENKO, Institute of Macromoleculare Chemie of NAS of Ukraine, 48, Kharkivske shose, Кyiv, 02160, Ukraine E-mail: dvaleriyl@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-9146-8984

S.I. SYNELNYKOV, Institute of Macromoleculare Chemie of NAS of Ukraine, 48, Kharkivske shose, Кyiv, 02160, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0001-7959-3176

O.A. RADCHENKO, Institute of Macromoleculare Chemie of NAS of Ukraine, 48, Kharkivske shose, Кyiv, 02160, Ukraine

S.V. RIABOV, Institute of Macromoleculare Chemie of NAS of Ukraine, 48, Kharkivske shose, Кyiv, 02160, Ukraine E-mail: imcnasusr@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0001-9430-7270


Polym. J., 2020, 42, no. 1: 55-62.


Section: Physics of polymers.


Language: Ukrainian.


Using methods  of x-ray diffraction (diffractometre DRON-4-07, CuKα-radiation, x-ray – optical sheme of Debai-Sherrer’s) and thermomechanical analysis (thermomechanical plant UIP-70, methode penetration, burden 0,5 MPa) were investigated of nanocomposites of type polymer-metal based on stehiometric polyelectrolyte complexe that was obtained from 5% water losung of contrary charge of polyelectrolytes – chitosan and carboxylised β-cyclodextrin. By modificate of polyelectrolyte complex by salts of CuSO4 and AgNO3 was acquired triple polyelectrolyte-metal complexe. During chemical reduced with the help salt NaBH4 of metal cations of Сu2+ and Ag+ in volyme of triple polyelectrolyte-metal complexe (molar ratio [BH4–] : [Ag+] = 1,0 and  [BH4–] : [Сu2+] = 2,0) was acquired of polymer – metalic nanocomposites. Identification of carboxylised β-cyclodextrin was using FTIR-spectroscopy.

Shown that in contrast to initial β-cyclodextrin the carboxylised β-cyclodextrin have smaller index crystallinity. By using x-ray diffraction esteblished that polymer – metalic nanocomposites have nanoparticles as crystals of Cu0 (with insignificant amount crystals of Cu2O) and Ag0. Shown that nanocomposites have more high temperature transition from glassy to highelastic states in comparison polyelectrolyte complexe. Discovered that nanocomposite with nanoparticles Cu0/Cu2O by temperatures 190–200 °C heve transition of precrystallization of polymer matrix with further her slow softening, whereas polyelectrolyte complex and nanocoposite with nanoparticles Ag0 heve temperature transition of melting of crystalline phase. This polymer – metalic nanocomposites have antibacteriales properties.


Key words: polyelectrolyte complex, polymer – metalic nanocomposite, chitosan, carboxylised of β-cyclodextrin, x-ray diffraction. thermomechamical analysis, structure, properties.




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