2021 (1) 4
State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, ave. Gagarin, 8, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-8527-1608
State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, ave. Gagarin, 8, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0003-3307-8974
State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, ave. Gagarin, 8, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-7857-283Х
State Higher Educational Institution „Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology”, ave. Gagarin, 8, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2021, 43, no. 1: 26-34.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Ukrainian.
Studies have been performed on the modification of triacetatecellulose soluble compositions tris[three(butoxy)(polyfluoroalkoxy)titaniumoxy]boranes by the laboratories in which the length of the polyfluoroalkoxyl radical changed.
At the initial stage, experiments were conducted to study the effect on the viscous characteristics of the initial solutions of TAC compositions of different temperature ranges, the values of the velocities of the concussion as for the initial base composition and with the introduction into the composition of the solution of different number of initial components, on the basis of which the target additives are synthesized, namely, polyfluoropic alcohol or tris[three(butoxy)titanoxy]borane.
When introduced into the basic soluble composition of small amounts of polyfluorine alcohol FFА-3 (up to 0,1 % of the mass. from the mass of TAC) and a shear rate of 0,99c-1 there is a sharp increase in viscosity to 1,56 P·s, that is connected, apparently, with the implementation of a new type of hydrogen bonds between electronegative fluorine atoms and positively charged carbon atoms in the structure of solvents and TAC links (in complexes, simple ethers, glycosidic bonds and methylene groups at free hydroxylates).
The implementation of such connections is accompanied by an increase in the volume of assocites, which are formed, ie indicates an increase in the viscosity of the solution of the sample TAC – composition. This interaction, with the formation of associations, takes place, first of all, on the surface of small supramolecular formations of TAC, obtained in the previous initial crushing of large supramolecular groups in solution. In this case, in the basic solution of the TAC-composition, there is a process of reversal of the TAC, namely, consolidation of the sizes of supramolecular formations.
It is shown that the studied series of bor-, titanium-, (butoxy(polyfluoroalkoxy)-containing products, are effective modifiers of triacetate-cellulose soluble composite materials, allowing at the outflow stage, such as film materials or artificial silk threads, to adjust in a wide range, in the direction of increase, viscosity of the solution and at the same time increase the strength of finished products to break. The achievement of the obtained positive effect is due to the implementation in the polymer matrix of a new type of physical interactions between the electronegative fluorine atoms in the additive and the electropositive carbon atoms of the TAC molecule, as well as the coordination bonds between B and Ti additives and oxygen links TAC polymer. At the same time, internal stresses in the polymer matrix are reduced or virtually disappeared.
Thus, studies have shown that polyfluoropic alcohols, tris- [three (butoxy)titanoxy]borane and products of its transesterification by polyfluoropic alcohols of different molecular weight are effective modifiers of soluble TAC compositions (as regulators of viscosity of solutions at the stage of outflow of films), and additives that increase the relative strength of their films by 2–3 times the strength of the films to break; their relative hardness), it is most advisable to use such a number of compounds in quantities of up to 1,0 % of the mass. from the mass of TAC.
The obtained results can be used to significantly improve the quality of products from triacetatecellulose or in the recycling of products and waste on its basis.
Keywords: triacetate of cellulose, modification, properties, composite, coating.
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Recieved 26.01.2021