№3 (2017) 4
Research of structure and properties polytetrafluoroethylene reinforced fiber arselon
A.I. Burya1, S.V. Kalinichenko1, G.A. Baglyuk2, A.S. Redchuk3
1 Dnіprovsk State Technical University, Department of Condensed State Physics
2, Dnіprostroevska str., Kamianske, 51916, Ukraine, * Email: ol.burya@gmail.com
2 Institute of Problems of Materials Science. I.N. Frantsevich NAS of Ukraine, Department of wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant powder construction materials
3, Krzhizhanovskogo str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
3 Dnіprovsk State Technical University, Laboratory of composite materials
2, Dnіprostroevska str., Kamianske, 51916, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2017, 39, № 3: 171-176.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Russian.
Polymer composite materials based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) are widely used for producing the parts of friction knots of machines due to the unique set of physico-mechanical, chemical and tribotechnical properties. However, significant disadvantages of these materials include poor adhesion, hardness and wear resistance. The solution to this problem is found in the modification of PTFE by finely dispersed or fibrous fillers. Varying the composition of the matrix and filler, a wide range of materials is obtained, whose properties can be purposefully regulated.
For the creation of new antifriction PCMs reinforced with fibrous fillers, so-called organic plastics, designed for operation at high loads and sliding speeds, the most promising ones are polyoxadiazole fibers.
This work presents the investigation of the effect of introducing Arselon polyoxadiazole fiber into the polymer matrix of PTFE on the structure and properties of organoplastics.
The results of experimental data on the strength test have shown that the obtained materials based on PTFE reinforced with Arselon fiber possess better physical and mechanical properties compared to the initial plastic, namely impact strength, modulus of elasticity, yield stress at compression, 1,2; 1,6 and 3,3 times respectively. The maximum values of the strength characteristics of organoplastics are achieved at 5-10 % wt. of Arselon fiber, which indicates the formation of the strongest intermolecular bonds in them, comparable with the results of IR spectral analysis.
Key words: polytetrafluoroethylene, organoplastic, Arselon fiber, IR-spectral analysis, physical and mechanical properties.
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