№4 (2013)




O.S. Karpenko, I.B. Demchenko

Biologically active polymer system with drugs


Structure and properties


A.L. Tolstov, O.M. Malanchuk, I.M. Bey, D.A. Klimchuk

Preparation and characterization of antibacterial polymer composites based on poly(vinyl alcohol) and nanoparticulate silver


A.N. Alekseev, L.A. Bulavin, L.N. Garkusha, U.F. Zabashta, S.U. Tkachev

Influence of dextran molecules on diffusion in water solutions of NaCl


V.N. Chornaya, G.Ya. Mengzheres, T.T. Todosiichuk

Kinetic of formation of nonpolar polymers nanolayers under adsorption from its mixtures


L.F. Kosyanchuk, N.B. Yarova, N.V. Babkina

Features of thermal and vyazkouprugoo behavior formed in situ filled with mixtures of linear polyurethane and polystyrene


M.G. Tkalich, L.A. Gorbach, L.M. Sergeeva, О.O.Brovko

Іmpact Scale Factor on Adhesion and Viscoelastic Behaviour of Epoxy Networks in Adhesive Сonnections


О.O. Brovko , L.A. Gorbach, О.D. Lutsyk, L.M. Sergeeva, E.V. Lebedev

Peculiarities of formation and properties of organic – inorganic systems based on sodium silicate


S.N. Fedosov, A.E. Sergeeva, T.A. Revenyuk

Applicability of the superposition principle during polarization of nonlinear optical polymer films


T.V. Sakhno, S.T. Sychkova, Yu.E. Sakhno, S.A. Khatipov

Fluorescence of radiation modification polytetrafluoroethylene


Synthesis polymers


N.V. Kutsevol, N.P. Мelnyk, Iu.V.Konko, S.A. Filipchenko

Formation of silver nanoparticles into ionic polymer matrices of various molecular structure


V.P. Boiko, V.К. Grishchenko, S.М. Оstapyuk, G.А. Коzlova, А.B. Gruzevich

Hydroxyl groups in oligoisoprene obtained by radical polymerization in alcohols under the action of hydrogen peroxide


Makitra R.G., Midyana G.G., Pal’chikova E.Ya.

Peculiarities of the neoprene swelling


T.L. Malysheva, Ye.V. Lebedev

An influence of sodium silicate modified by polyacrylic acid on the properties of organic-inorganic composites