2016 (3) 3
Influence of magnetic field to the allocation of imputiry molecules in the structure of optically transparent polymer films
L.A. Bulavin, Yu.F. Zabashta, О.О. Brovko, L.Yu. Vergun, N.V. Yarova, T.F. Samoylenko, A.V. Oliynik
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Physics
64/13, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2016, 38, no. 3: 205-210.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Ukrainian.
The influence of impurity molecules to the structure of optically transparent polymer films at magnetic field processing is investigated for elaboration of new technologies of the protective coats for solar battery.
As you know, one of the reasons leading to the malfunction of this equipment is their instability in the interaction of moisture, oxygen and other external factors [1,2]. These interactions are the cause of degradation of polymers and determined by the presence of various defects. Depending on the extent and depth of penetration of particles in the material structure can form a last set of individual layers which differ from each other certain parameters characterizing the system, which runs the study process.
An important characteristic of optical devices is the image quality. From the literature it is known [2] that the spread of light waves depends on the structure of the polymer. We also know that the influence of magnetic field on the polymer matrix leads to a shift of disordered zones – mesomorphic phase [3]. The nature of the existence of such disordered zones for polymers can be explained based on the idea of specific defects – supervacansies These defects are voids which are filled with disordered material [4]. It is known that the conformation of C = O and C-O bonds influences to the distribution of impurity molecules, including oxygen, in the polymer structure [5]. The aim of this study is to determine the molecular mechanism of distribution of impurity molecules in the structure of optically transparent polymer materials.
It is known that the certain values of magnetic field changes the distribution of the impurity molecules in the net structures of polymers [7,8].
The experimental method for determining of the effective diffusion coefficient of gas molecules through the material is developed. Based on the proposed methodology the effective diffusion coefficient for films with different content of C-O and C = O bonds is defined. The action of static magnetic field changes of diffusion of impurity molecules was established. This effect connects with changing conformations of the disordered regions in the polymer matrix. The structures of polymeric films by atomic force microscopy methods are investigated. The curves of thickness distribution for samles was built. The pretremnent of a constant magnetic field leads to changes of the sizes of disodered phase regions is established.The hypothesis about influence of constant magnetic field to the redistribution of impurity molecules between engagements chains in a disordered phase polymer structures is proposed.
Key words: Epoxy resin, C–O bond, C = O bond, magnetic field, supervacancy.
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