2016 (3) 5


Effect of nano-additives on the structure-formation in polymer mixture melts


N.M. Rezanova, V.P. Plavan, V.G. Rezanova, Y.A. Budash, V.M. Bogatyrev


Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

2, Nemirovich-Danchenko str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine, mfibers@ukr.net

A.A. Chuyko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences

17, General Naumov str., Kyiv, 03164, Ukraine, ryash@i.ua


Polym. J., 2016, 38, no. 3: 218-224.


Section: Structure and properties.


Language: Ukrainian.



The influence of the concentration of nano-additive titanium oxide/silica (TiO2/SiO2) on the processes of structure-formation in thermodynamically incompatible mixtures of polypropylene/co-polyamide (PP/CPA) was researched. It is shown that in the presence of modifier the nature of flowing and structure-formation does not change – in the nano-filled mixture, as in the original one, PP forms the fine-fiber continuous shell, microfiber and particles in the matrix of CPA . Established that the mixed oxide exhibits compatibilizer effect: the value of interphase tension reduces, the degree of dispersion and deformation of the dispersed phase droplets increases, which leading to a decrease in the average diameter of PP microfibers and narrowing of their size distribution. The positive effect of the filler on the fiber-formation is explained by the stabilizing effect of nanoparticle TiO2/SiO2 in the finest microfiber PP due to increased lifetime (~ by 5 times) and growth inhibition of wave amplitude of destructive perturbations. Changing of the content of nano-additive in the melt mixture makes it possible to manage the process of fiber-formation. Nanoparticles TiO2/SiO2 exert maximum influence on phase morphology of modified mixture at concentration of 1,0 % mass., which corresponding to a minimum value of the surface tension.


Key words: mixture of polymers, nano additive, microfiber, interphase tension.



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