Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

  1. General instructions

Polymer Journal is the scientific journal on chemistry and physics of the polymers, polymer materials and composites and accepts for consideration the articles on following topics:

– synthesis, kinetics and mechanism of reactions of the linear and cross-linked polymers;

– chemical, structural-chemical and physical modification of polymers;

– destruction, ageing and stabilization of polymers;

– structure, physical-chemical and physical properties of polymers;

– physics of macromolecules and their systems;

– chemical and physical-chemical fundamentals of the polymer composites forming, their structure and properties.

Except of ordinary articles the Polymer Journal accepts the reduced communications comprising new fundamental results and requiring an urgent publication as well as the articles made to order which summarize the results of investigations and are of interest for specialists in the various fields of polymer science and technology. Polymer Journal does not publish the serial articles (with continuation). The papers should not have been published elsewhere and submitted simultaneously to other journals.

Polymer Journal is the tree-language issue. The papers may be submitted in Ukrainian, in Russian and in English.

All the papers submitted to Polymer Journal are subjected to the peer review.

The submitting paper includes the text, the figures, the figures captions and the tables typed on the separated pages, and besides a separate abstract page. The text should be saved in the Word format. Two copies of the paper should be submitted together with a computer disc containing the identical contribution (the e-mail message to the editorial office may be applied instead of computer disc).

  1. Manuscript

A paper should not normally exceed 5000 words. Clearly identified and numbered manuscript should be typed 1.5 spaced on the only side of the A4 sheet with a margin 25 mm on each side of the text. The text can not contain the word hyphens.

Use Times New Roman characters sized 12 points for the main text, 14-point bold characters for the main title and 12 points bold for all the other headings (such as Introduction, Experimental, References and other ones). Authors’ names should be 12 points bold italics and summary 12 points italic.

The general layout of the manuscript should be as follows: title of the paper, the author names (the initials precede the surnames, the corresponding author marked with an asterisk*), and mailing addresses of the authors, the summary (not more than 8 lines) and the text. Five keywords should be included after the summary to describe the content of manuscript. The address of corresponding author should be accompanied by e-mail address.

Equations are numbered and typed in the appropriate place in the text. The branchy chemical formulas should be arranged with computer programme (for example, Chem Window, Isis Draw) and printed in the text (an originated file with chemical formulas should be given in the electronic version of paper). SI units should be used for a definition of physical quantities.

The places desired for the figures should be marked on the margins.

  1. References

The references should be listed at the end of the text, numbered in order of citation, denoted by square brackets in the text. The references are to be abbreviated in the form shown below.

For periodicals:

  1. Demchenko V.L., Vilensky V.O. The influence of the magnetic and electric fields on the structure and properties of the filled polymers. Polym. J. (Ukr.), 2009, 31, No 2: 97–110.
  2. Sergeyeva T.A., Gorbach L.A., Slinchenko O.A., Goncharova L.A., Piletska O.V., Brovko O.O., Sergeeva L.M., El’s-ka G.V. Towards development of colorimetric test-systems for phenols detection based on computationally-designed molecularly imprinted polymer membranes. Mater. Sci. Eng. Part C, 2010, 30: 431–436.
  3. Lee J.Y., Ko D.-H., Lee Y.M., Seol W.-H., Park J.-K. Newcrosslinking agent as Lewis acid for solid polymer electrolytes. J. Power Sources, 2007, 174: 603–606.

For books:

  1. Beloshenko V.A., Varyuhin V.N. Effekt pamyati formy v polimerah i ego primenenie. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 2005: 234. ISBN 966-00-0526-1.
  2. Frenkel Ya.I. Kinetic theory of liquids, Dover Publications, Inc., Reissue edition, 1935: 485.
  3. Seanor D.A. Electical properties of polymers: New York. Academic Press, 1982: ISNB 0-12-633680-6.
  4. Fazovye processy v geterogennyh polimernyh sistemah. Pod red. E.V. Lebedeva. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 2012: 432. ISBN 978-966-00-1249-3.
  5. Carbon nanotubes – polymer nanocomposites. S. Yellampalli (Ed.), Croatia: INTECH, 2011. ISBN 978-953-307-498-6.

For chapter in book:

  1. Kaleta J., Lewandowski D., Mech R., Zaja P. Smart magnetic composites, Chapter 24. In book: Metal, ceramic and polymeric composites for various uses. Ed.: J. Cuppoletti. InTech: Rijeka, Croatia, 2011. ISBN 978-953-307-353-8.
  2. Lay D.A. Sol-gel processing of hybrid organic-inorganic materials based on polysilsesquioxanes. In book: Hybrid materials.Synthesis, characterization and applications. G. Kickelbick (Ed.), Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2007: 225–254. ISBN 978-3-527-31299-3.

For patents:

  1. Savelyev Yu.V., Gonchar О.N, Movchan B.О., Gornostay О.V., Rudenko А.V. Method of preparation of polyurethane material. Ukrainian Patent 94092, October 27, 2014.
  2. Pat. 6433694 USA, IC7G08B 21/00. Sensor having improved desorption time and related control circuirity. J.P. Dolan, P.M. Dolan. Publ. 13.08.2002.
  3. Illustrations

The graphs and diagrams should be printed on individual A4 sheets with high quality within area not more than 12×15 cm and not less than 8х10 cm. Gray scales are to be avoided. Line drawings and details of the figures should be of sufficient size to ensure clear readability after reduction to 7.6 cm (3 inch) width. The desired type size for height of the capital letters or numbers is 3 mm (before reduction). Figure numbers and captions should be placed below figures (except of it, all captions are gathered on the separate page and applied to the text of manuscript). The original files of figures in the Excel or Origin programmes should be given in the electronic version of paper (a separate file for each figure).

Photographs or computer-generated illustrations should not be colour, and should be printed with high quality. The originated files of scanned photographs should be saved in the TIFF format (a separate file for each figure) and submitted in the electronic version. For scanned halftone figures a resolution of 300 dpi is sufficient. Do not give the magnification data in the micrographs and their figure captions, but use the scale bars.

  1. Tables

The tables should be arranged in the Word (the tables made in the Excel are unacceptable). Each table should be typed on a separate page, with a heading, and a numeration corresponds to the order in which they are cited in the text. All data lines in the table should be separated by dividing lines.

  1. Abstract

An abstract is typed by 12 point italics on a separate page and consists of a single paragraph, text only, not more than 8 lines, to be headed by the title, the names and addresses of the authors with type size the same as in the text of manuscript.

  1. Submission

Two hard copies of the paper together with the electronic version on the computer disc (the title and authors of the paper should be indicated on the disc) should be sent to the address:

Polymer Journal

Institute of Macromolecular


48 Kharkivske shose

Kyiv 02160, Ukraine

Electronic version of the paper, instead of the computer disc sending, may be sent by e-mail:

Submission via e-mail is not recommended for the large files (more than 5 Mb).

To facilitate communication, authors are requested to provide their current e-mail address, phone and fax number.

All questions arising after acceptance of paper may be directed to

Mrs. Alla Dyakova


Tel.: +38044 292 00 48

Fax: +38044 292 40 64


Authors will receive proofs, which they are requested to correct and return as soon as possible, No new material may be inserted in the text at the time of proof-reading.

  1. Online view

The content of the papers with the abstracts included in running and previous issues of the journal is presented online