2014 (4) 8
Preparation and properties of (bio) degradable ionomeric polyurethanes based on xanthan
Т.V. Travinskaya, А.N. Brykova, V.I. Bortnitsky, Yu.V. Savelyev
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine, travinskaya-tamara@rambler.ru
Polym. J., 2014, 36, no. 4: 393-400.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Russian.
New potentially (bio)degradable environmentally friendly ionomeric polyurethanes (IPU) on the basis of oligomeric polyurethane (OPU) and xanthan (Xn) have been obtained. The influence of component composition on colloid-chemical and physic-mechanical properties of IPU / Xn and based films, as well as their changes under the influence of environmental factors has been studied. Доказанное наличие между компонентами как ковалентного, так и водородного связывания обеспечивает протекание деструктивных процессов всей системы в целом. Proven availability between components both covalent and hydrogen bonding provides proceeding of destructive processes of the whole system. The infrared and pyrolytic mass spectrometry results have confirmed that introduction of Xn into OPU results in formation of new structural organization different from that of the original IPU (matrix), which is the result of chemical interaction between Xn and OPU. The data of acid, alkaline hydrolysis and ground incubation indicate that degradation processes in the IPU / Xn occur with greater intensity in comparison with the IPU matrix.
Keywords: ionomeric polyurethanes, xanthan, biodegradation.
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