2014 (4) 10

Sensоr system based on molecular imprinted polymers with catalytic properties to determination o-hydroxyphenol in the environment


T.А. Sergeyeva1, L.A. Gorbach2, О.D. Lutsyk2 , О.O. Brovko2, L.M. Sergeeva2, G.V. Elska1


1Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics NAS of Ukraine

150, Zabolotnogo str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine

2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2014, 36, no. 4: 406-412.


Section: Synthesis polymers.


Language: Ukrainian.



Organic polymers-biomimicks, containing catalytic sites in their structure, which mimic mushroom tyrosinase active sites, that are capable of highly-selective recognition of o-hydroxyphenols were synthesized according to the technique of molecular imprinting. Biosensor devices for o-hydroxyphenols detection in environmental samples were developed on their basis. The methodology of calibration of the laboratory prototype of the biosensor based on tyrosinase mimicks for the detection of                                       o-hydroxyphenols in natural and waste waters was developed. Comparison of data of the biosensor analysis and traditional HPLC method was made. Real samples of river water were analyzed as for      o-hydroxyphenol content using developed biosensor. The protocol for the determination of                                 o-hydroxyphenol concentration in real samples was worked out. As compared to traditional analytical methods of o-hydroxyphenol detection the proposed biosensor method is more effective from the point of view of simplicity of operation, as well as cost and size of equipment.


Keywords: molecular imprinted polymers, binding sites, portable biosensors, o-hydroxyphenols.




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