2014 (4) 13
Study the influence of model biological medium on structure and properties of epoxy-polyurethane composite materials, filled by ferrocene
T.V. Rudenchyk, R.A. Roznova, V.I. Shtompel, V.V. Davidenko, N.A. Galatenko
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2014, 36, no. 4: 424-433.
Section: Medecine polymers.
Language: Ukrainian.
The influence of model biological medium on the structure and properties of epoxy-polyurethane (EPU) composite materials with ferrocene is investigated. Established that the incubation EPU composite materials in model biological medium is accompanied by loss of the samples due to the biodegradation of the polyurethane component and release of ferrocene. According to the IR-spectroscopic studies biodegradation occurs by ester and to a greater extent eterna linkages with simultaneous redistribution of hydrogen bonds system, which is associated with structuring polymer compositions in model biological medium 199 (BM 199). Established that the increase Tg and decrease the heat capacity jump during the glass transition samples of EPU filled by ferrocene after their incubation in model medium testifies about release of ferrocene from the polymer matrix, as well as during the time of processes of segregation rigid and flexible blocks of polyurethane component compositions.
Key words: epoxy-polyurethane, composite materials, ferrocene, biodegradation, biological medium 199.
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