2018 (2) 5

The influence of quantity and nature of bortitan-containing modifier on the properties of the alkyd protective coatings


S.N. Kuzmenko, N.Ya. Kuzmenko, N.N. Laskovenko, V.A. Gumenyuk


1DVNZ “Ukrainian State Technological University”

8, Gagarin Avenue, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2018, 40, no. 2: 106-112


Section: Structure and properties.


Language: Ukrainian.




The results of studies of the effect of the amount and nature of tris [tri (butoxy) titanoxy] borane and the products of its transesterification degree with stearic acid on the properties of protective films based on PF-060 varnish are presented. It has been shown that the modification of alkyd lacquer by the products of esterification of tris [tri (butoxy) titanoxyl] boron stearic acid makes it possible to significantly increase the strength of films by breaking, practically twice their resistance at 500 °C to water; 20% H2SO4 solution; 4% NaCl solution. Such a positive effect is possible for a set of inactivation in the structure of a polymer film based on the alkyd oligomer of hydrophilic carboxyl and hydroxyl groups, which is also confirmed by an increase in the contact angle of the films.


Key words: alkyd resins, varnishes, sealants, enamels, protective coatings, modifier, tris [tri (butoxy) titanoxy] borane and its transesterification products with stearic acid.




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