2018 (3) 2


The influence of bicomponent functional additives of renewable origin on the destruction of polyethylene


Т.V.Dmitrieva, S.V.Riabov, S.К. Кrymovska, V.І. Bortnytskyi


Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine; s_riabov@ihvs.nas.gov.ua


Polym. J., 2018, 40, no. 3: 155-159


Section: Structure and properties.


Language: Ukrainian.




The effect of the influence of functional additives renewable origin on base starch modification different plastificate addition with use plant oil on speed destruction of polyethylene [PE] after UV-irradiation and biological factor of soil has been studied. The starting – point strength of characteristic composition with this functional additives in concentration 5 % mass not reduce has been fix. Joint lowering of strengthing characteristic composition PE with this functional additives after influence of UV-irradiation and biological factor of soil to be equal 74,9 %, and elasticity – 96,7 %. The thermal destruction of polyethylene compositions with functional additives by pyrolytic mass spectrometry was studied. An analysis of the results shows that structural transformations take place due to the added renewable additives, which are fixed by mass spectrometry. It is revealed the number and intensity of ion fragments are higher for the composites containing additives than for the initial PE.


Key words: polyethylene, degradation, renewable functional additives, starch, mass spectrometry.




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