2018 (3) 5
Study of thermophysical characteristics of graphite plastics based on phenylone
A.I. Burya, Ye.A. Yeriomina
Dniprovsk State Technical University
2, Dniprobudivska str., Kamyanske, 51918, Ukraine; ol.burya@gmail.com
Polym. J., 2018, 40, no. 3: 179-183
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Russian.
Thermophysical properties of graphite plastics based on aromatic polyamide phenylone are studied in the article. It is shown that the introduction of graphite leads to a decrease in the mobility of the structural elements of the macromolecular chains of the polymer matrix due to the intermolecular interaction at the polymer-filler interface. It was found that with increasing graphite content the degree of orientation of the amorphous phase increases during crystallization and a conformational set of structural units occurs. It was found that the selected filler promotes an increase in thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of 5,5 and 3,2 – 5,0 times depending on temperature.
Keywords: graphite plastics, aromatic polyamide, specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal capacity jump.
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