2018 (4) 2
Electrical conductivity of polymer/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites at low temperatures
- Bardash1,2, G. Boiteux1, R. Grykien3, I. Gіowacki3, M. Pastorczak3, J. Ulanski3, A. Fainleib2
1Universite de Lyon, Lyon F-69003, France, Universite Lyon 1, F-69003 Villeurbanne, France, IMP CNRS UMR 5223, Ingenierie des Materiaux Polymeres, IMP@LYON1, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France
2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
3Technical University of Lodz, Department of Molecular Physics
90-924 Lodz, Poland
Polym. J., 2018, 40, no. 4: 230-239.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: English.
Electrical properties of two new types of polymer/multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) nanocomposites have been studied at very low temperature: thermoplastic Poly(butylene terephthalate)/MWCNTs, prepared by reactive blending of the mixture of cyclic butylene terephthalates and MWCNTs, and thermosetting Polycyanurate/MWCNT prepared by blending of dicyanate ester of bisphenol E monomer with MWCNT using sonication and subsequent curing. Dimensional characteristics and vibrational properties of MWCNTs were investigated by transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results of conductivity measurements clearly evidence the presence of a percolation threshold (pc) at a very small weight fraction of the MWCNTs in the both polymer matrices: pc = 0,22 wt. % and pc = 0,38 wt. % for thermoplastic and thermosetting composites, respectively. The activation energies of conduction in the range 10 – 100 K are very low for all the samples (<0,001eV). It was found, that the temperature dependence of conductivity of the nanocomposites follows the fluctuation induced tunneling model and is weak enough to develop the use of such materials in electronic devices.
Keywords: nanocomposites, carbon nanotubes, electrical properties, poly(butylene terephthalate), polycyanurate networks.
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