2018 (4) 7
New Polyurethane Foams Based On Naturally Renewable Compounds Of Various Structures: A Study Of (Bio) Degradation
Yu.V. Saveliev, L.A. Markovskaya, E.R. Akhranovich, O.A. Savelyev, N.I. Parkhomenko, S.N. Ostapyuk
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2018, 40, no. 4: 270-276.
Section: Synthesis polymers.
Language: Ukrainian.
New environmentally friendly polyurethane foams (PUF) were synthesized with a high, up to 63 %, content of naturally renewable compounds – lactose disaccharide, castor oil, xanthan exopolysaccharide. Introduction to the structure of PUF natural compounds significantly accelerates the processes of degradation. For polymers containing in the structure of castor oil, the effect of (bio) determination is observed. With the introduction of xanthan exopolysaccharide into the PUF structure, a synergistic effect of both plant components on the nature of this process is noted, while the contribution of the latter is decisive and it is this which activates the (bio) degradation process. In PU-based lactose and castor oil, destruction occurs through the destruction of urea groups, and in PU-based castor oil and xanthan, the degradation of the macromolecule in urea groups is preceded by the destruction of weak chemical, hydrogen bonds. The process of (bio) degradation during the 6-month incubation in the ground in natural conditions occurs at a faster rate than in the model – up to 59 and 36 %, respectively. Under model conditions, the processes of degradation of polyurethane foam by hydrolysis prevail in a significant way, as a result of which amino compounds appear. In the ground, under more favorable conditions of vital activity of microorganisms (MO), enzymatic chemical transformations are activated and, mainly, PUR biodegradation occurs. This is evidenced by the appearance in the earth of a significant amount of organic acids as a result of the life activity of MO. Thus, a different degree of bio-, hydro-, thermo (light) load determines the nature of the degradation of polymeric materials.
Keywords: polyurethane foams, naturally renewable compounds, structure, properties, destruction, (bio)degradation.
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