2016 (4) 4
Investigation of b-cyclodextrin peroxides’ thermal degradation by pyrolysis mass spectrometry
V.V. Boyko, O.A. Radchenko, S.V. Riabov, S.I. Sinelnikov, V.І. Bortnitskiy
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry the NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2016, 38, no. 4: 302-306.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: Ukrainian.
Today, one of the most promising ways to improve the materials physical and chemical properties is their modification in various ways. One of which is oxidation. Natural polymers such as starch, cellulose are very sensitive to the oxidizers, but oxidation of their monomer units are not sufficiently studied. The b-cyclodextrin peroxides were synthesized by oxidation of в-cyclodextrin with hydrogen peroxide. The process of thermal degradation of the compounds developed was studied by pyrolysis mass spectrometry. It was established that the oxidized в-CD samples’ decomposition begins at 100 °C earlier than native b-CD. The synthesized samples’ thermal decomposition occurs slower than for the native b-CD. As evidenced index maximum emission of volatile components reduces in 1,7 times to b-CDoxid.1 and in 2,3 times to b-CDoxid.2 compared to the native b-CD. Accordingly, the amount of volatile products decreases and it is registered in the oxidized b-CD samples’ mass spectra at the maximum temperatures of thermal destruction – 280 °C. The data obtained indicate that oxidation of b-cyclodextrin with hydrogen peroxide results in forming of products, which consist of oxidized oligosaccharide forms having peroxide and carboxylic groups in their structure.
Key words: b-cyclodextrin, peroxide, thermal degradation, pyrolysis mass spectrometry.
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