2016 (4) 3
Non-isothermal kinetics of e-caprolactam blocked polyisocyanate thermal dissociation
N.V. Kozak, K.S. Didenko, V.V. Davidenko, V.V. Klepko
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine
48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine
Polym. J., 2016, 38, no. 4: 297-301.
Section: Structure and properties.
Language: English.
The differential scanning calorimetry method was used to investigate the kinetics of thermal dissociation of e-caprolactame blocked polyisocyanate under non-isothermal conditions using isoconversion approach. The values of kinetic parameters of the process calculated using several theoretical models (Kissinger, Ozawa–Flynn–Wall, Friedman) are in good agreement. Differential scanning calorimetry with temperature modulation denotes the structural changes in the system under heating and consumption of considerable part of NCO-groups at the same time with thermal dissociation.
Keywords: blocked isocyanate, differential scanning calorimetry, non-isothermal kinetics, activation energy, reaction order.
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