2017 (1) 8


Ionomeric polyurethanes from vegetable oils: preparation and properties


Т.V. Travinskaya, А.N. Brykova, V.I. Bortnitsky, Yu.V. Savelyev


Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine, travinskaya-tamara@rambler.ru


Polym. J., 2017, 39, No. 1: 55-61.


Section: Synthesis polymers.


Language: Ukrainian.




The methods of synthesis of environmentally degradable polymer materials based on ionic polyurethanes (IPU), which structure includes exopolysaccharide xanthan (Xa) and vegetable oils of different nature (castor, palm, and soybean) have been developed. The use of renewable components allowed to reduce the employ of petroleum raw materials and, thereby, to improve the environment. Comprehensive studies of the structure-properties-(bio)degradation relationships under the environment and model conditions have shown that the performance properties and ability to degradation of polymer materials containing renewable natural components are determined by their structure and composition. By glycerolysis reaction of palm (PO) and soybean (SO) oils the modified reactive hydroxyl oligomers have been obtained (without using hazardous reagents) followed by synthesis on their basis of polysaccharide containing IPU capable to degrade under environmental conditions. Hydrolysis of obtained IPUs under the modeling acid and alkali media has been carried out. In comparison with the IPU based on unmodified castor oil (CO), these polymers are significantly exposed to alkaline hydrolysis. The insertion of Xa leads to fragmentation of the samples. Strength indexes of the films based on modified PO and SO exceed those of basic IPU in 1.7 and 1.3 times, respectively, as well as CO based IPU – in 3.7 and 2.8 times. Incubation of synthesized samples into the soil has shown that PO and SO based Xa-containing IPU lose 35.1 % and 29.3% of their initial weight, indicating the destructive processes for the entire system unlike the basic IPU. Thus the synthesized renewable components’ based IPUs possess the increased susceptibility to degradation in vivo, and at the same time combine high economic and technological features.


Keywords: ionomeric polyurethanes, biological renewable raw material, xanthan, biodegradation.



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