2015 (3) 7


The influence of pectin based metal-complexes on degradation of polyethylene


T.V. Dmitrieva, S.M. Kobylinsky, V.V. Boyko, S.V. Riabov, V.I. Bortnitskiy, S.K. Krymovska, G.F. Nevmerzhitska, O.M. Komljakova


Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry the NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shose, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2015, 37, no. 3: 263-268.


Section: Structure and properties.


Language: Ukrainian.



The complexes based on pectin and metal ions such as zinc, cobalt and manganese have been prepared. Their effect on mechanic and thermal properties of polyethylene composites and the change of these characteristics under the effect of UV- radiation and soil microorganisms are investigated. The structural changes in the composites, which occur under the influence of metal-complex additives have been established taking into account the volatile components’ temperatures of maximum emission and their intensities after exposure to the UV-radiation and soil. It is ascertained that the most effective additives and their concentration increase the degradation of polyethylene.


Keywords: metal-complex, pectin, polyethylene, degradation.



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