2015 (4) 8


Mass-spectrometric studies of the pyrolysis process of secondary polyethylene modified hexamethylenetetramine


V.D. Myshak, V.V. Seminog, T.V. Dmytrieva, V.I. Bortnitsky


Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine

48, Kharkivske shоse, Kyiv, 02160, Ukraine


Polym. J., 2015, 37, no. 4: 381-386.


Section: Structure and properties.


Language: Ukrainian.



Pyrolysis mass-spectrometry (PMS) has been employed to investigate a process of thermal destruction of the secondary polyethylene (SPE) modified hexamethylenetetramine (GMTA). The introduction of powdered GMTA in the polymer matrix on the basis of SPE, with a view to its mechano-chemical modification leads to structural changes in the polymer matrix. The formation of cross chemical bonds between macromolecules in SPE with the participation of the ionic fragments of the destruction of GMTA, high content of gel-fraction compositions, with increasing content of GMTA in them. The peculiarities of the pyrolysis process and the temperature dependence of the emission rate of volatile products of thermal destruction of the samples, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the ion current and volatile products were studied.


Key words: secondary polyethylene, hexamethylenetetramine, modification, composites, pyrolysis mass spectrometry.



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